100% natural, chemical-free, Egyptian accentuated body care products
Natural Egyptian raw materials
The idea behind Nefertari Products is to sincerely produce a healthy 100% natural, chemical-free, Egyptian accentuated body care product using natural Egyptian raw materials and natural untreated packaging to preserve the environment whilst contributing to the development of the marginalized communities in Egypt by enhancing their level of living and offering them jobs and sustainable incomes.
Open daily from 9am to 7pm
“Egyptianism” behind Nefertari
The Nefertari range also benefits from it’s “Egyptianism”, as all products have a very special Egyptian allure and are connected in several ways to the mystic land of the Pharaohs. In fact, several of the products and ingredients were actually used by Pharaohs like the Nefertari kohl for the eyes from natural gum and the Cleopatra’s milk bath - in the description of the Nefertari goats milk soap and milk bath a reference made to Cleopatra and her use of goats milk soap in her daily beauty routine. Moreover, several of the packaging of Nefertari’s products are identical copies of the containers shown at the Egyptian Museum used by the Pharaohs Queens long time ago. Additionally, we are keen to use all the dark blue color as the main color in fonts and embroideries as the color comes from a plant that used to grow on the River Nile called “el Nila” which was used by Ancient Egyptian to get the dark blue color which was used to paint the ceilings of their tombs. The outcome is exceptional 100% natural chemical-free Egyptian body care products, beautifully packaged with a distinctive Egyptian allure.